Free Georgian Language Course Online

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Sep 07, 2008 / 0 comments

Interested in less-commonly taught languages? Georgian is a very difficult language to find learning resources for. Here's one!


Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

September Artist of the Month: Jude Cowell

One of my very favorite artists, whom I have known for several years, is so very talented, in a variety of genres. She's a dreamy artist, who creates amazingly detailed art that calls to you - in rich layered colors, sometimes underwater, and all of it so very, very beautiful.


Bert Maxwell's picture

NFT Travel Guides: Salvation and Love

One of our partners, Not For Tourists, has several unique offerings on their website this week. Check out the following highlights...

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Book Review of the Week: One People many journeys

Published by Lonely Planet, One People many journeys explores global intercultural themes through eight different aspects of the universal human experience.

Vietnam - reasons to travel to

by nightflower / Sep 02, 2008 / 0 comments

Joel Carillet's picture

Hidden Treasures: An Israeli in China (and then elsewhere)




I was in China, and I was bald as a basted turkey.


Michigan's Small Town Treasures: The Garfield Inn

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
Sep 02, 2008 / 1 comments

The Garfield Inn is Steeped in History – Both Documented and Rumored!

The Perfunctory Traveller Goes Wine Tasting in McLaren Vale

by Mou Run /
Mou Run's picture
Sep 02, 2008 / 3 comments

The morning was chilly and the sky was partly cloudy. The possibility of rain just added to the number of foreseeable inconveniences that one expects on such occasions.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Sedbergh's Book Town: Festival of Books and Drama

NOTE for Published Wandering Educators: A Chance to publicise your new books - Sedbergh England's Book Town mounts a Festival of Books and Drama each year in September. The festival 2009 will have a Travel and Adventure theme.

Ed Forteau's picture

Trimedia Film Festival, Sept 5-7, 2008

I love film festivals - seeing new films, the excitement of talent and years of hard work recognized! This weekened, the Trimedia Film Festival will take place in Old Town Fort Collins, Colorado. Held from September 5-7, 2008, the Trimedia Film Festival is Northern Colorado's premiere showcase for independent film, tv, and theatre.

I was lucky enough to sit down and talk with Carol Van Natta, the Trimedia Festival Co-Director, and President of Horsetooth Productions. Here's what she had to say...


