Okay....here we go....
This is my first blog. I'm not all that excited about this. It's a project for my doctoral studies. grrrr...Meanwhile, back at the ranch....I hope that some of my colleagues are following this feed. I need someone to explain why this article, Tisdell, E. J., & Thompson, P. M. (2007). 'Seeing from a different angle': The role of pop culture in teaching for diversity and critical media literacy in adult education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 26(6), 651–673, is sequential transformative strategy and not sequential exploratory or sequential explanatory? I don't care who explains this to me, just explain it. BTW, I know it's a mixed method design.
Margaret Godwin
Hi Erin,
I am also a doctoral student and I have to follow educational blogs as part of a project. I seem to be having difficulty getting going too - perhaps we could help each other?
Margaret Godwin
Erin A. Singer, M.Ed.
I feel so much better!! I thought I was the only one who could not figure this blogging thing out!! Which sites are you on? Have you found this 'activity' to be helpful? My instructor is Barbara Salice....8105
Margaret Godwin
Same course - 8105 - my instructor is Mario Castro - I started researching the blogs in January and then let it slip for a month and now I am desperate to get some more info as the assignment on blogging is coming up in the next module. On the whole I think there is nothing special about those I have seen so far - they seem very light weight!
So far - I have this site, also Higher Education News and the International Recruiter - which ones have you found useful?
Margaret Godwin
Erin A. Singer, M.Ed.
At this point, I haven't found any of them useful. I can do more on Facebook for crying out loud. I have been on this blog site for 7 weeks. I am still not quite sure what I am supposed to be learning. I am also on Cool Cat Teacher and Artichoke. So far, nothing catches my interest. :-(
Margaret Godwin
I think you are probably doing the same course as I am (Ed. D, HEAL) and I welcome the opportunity to see if I can understand the article in question.
Here’s my attempt at an explanation - it is not sequential explanatory because seq. explan. has a stronger quantitative part, and quantitative results inform the qualitative data collection. Nor is it sequential exploratory because in this one the qualitative stage comes first and the second phase (quantitative) builds on the results of the first qualitative stage. This article best fits sequential transformative – theory overlays it (in this case diversity issues), 2nd phase builds on the first one. The literature of critical media education comes from a social constructionist perspective. Not sure if this explains anything, but as I said it is an attempt! (Ref. Tisdell & Thompson Article (2007); Creswell (2009) Research Design) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to look at this article which says at the end of the introduction, is also relevant to those concerned with international education, which is my subject.
Margaret Godwin