Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Nov 10, 2020 / 0 comments

Today, I'm so very happy to bring you the beautiful, interesting, creative, and playful art of a longtime friend, Hannah Miller.

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

She's a world traveler, writer, bringer of joy, educator, former student, artist (of course!), and one of my very favorite people in this world. Her work, whether in words, music, or art, brings SO much joy to the world. We're grateful to know her...and in a second, you will be, too.

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Raised as a worldschooler, Hannah Miller is a jack-of-all-trades creative leader. Her art has been featured in the Wolfe Island Gallery and online magazine, and her eye for color and design fit into her other work as a web designer. Her art prints can be found at various shops in Kingston, Ontario, as well as at her Etsy shop,

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

While her favorite pieces usually focus on people and shared human experience, you’ll also find her playing with various themes and different kinds of mixed media. Right now she’s diving into the world of digital art, with an eye for vivid portraits. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Without further ado, the art and words of Hannah Miller...

How long have you been an artist?
From early childhood, like every other artist I suppose. I’ve been creating for as long as I can remember, and the evolution of that has taken me from doodling to painting to digital art to macrame to web design and beyond!

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Is art your full-time career?
Yes and no. I use my artistic talents every day in my career as a web designer and content creator, but my art prints are a side hobby to spread joy and light in my community. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Where do you work? 
I am a self-employed digital nomad who works with small businesses and other creators to make their online presence beautiful and meaningful! I set up and design websites primarily in Wordpress and Squarespace, with an eye for detailed, artistic branding and attention to detail. It’s a blast! I started my online career at 16 and got hooked on the freedom it provides. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Do you have favorite places you like to create?
My room is my studio, office, and sanctuary all in one. I keep it full of plants, paintings, comfortable decorations, and music; so it’s never hard to get inspired and take on new projects! When I’m traveling full time, I look for artsy cafes or co-working spaces to keep my mental space engaged. It’s easier to think outside the box in a creative space!

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

What does a typical day look like?
I start my day with a quick tidy of my space, a light breakfast, and always—a cup of tea. I’ll take a look at my to-do list for the day as I eat breakfast (I’m usually running up to three independent endeavours at once—right now I’m teaching art, creating art, and running a web design business), and then get cracking. Usually I’ll focus on web design in the morning and art/teaching in the afternoon. In the evening, I spend time with friends or family, get together with my fiddle group to play old Canadian tunes, or go on a 3-5km walk around the neighbourhood. It’s a good life. I have much to be grateful for. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

What materials do you prefer?
It truly depends on my mood. I dabble with painting, digital art, collage, sketching, and even a bit of macrame.Yesterday I did a collage piece with some of my students that turned out pretty well—it needs a little more work, but I’m loving how it’s coming along. About four months ago I finally started exploring the realm of digital art and I’ve been more or less obsessed with that ever since. I’m also a huge fan of using cardboard as a base canvas for work—it adds so much in the way of texture! I prefer to paint with acrylic paints, most of the time. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Where/how are you inspired?
People inspire me. I am fascinated with their faces and expressions, the things we can say without ever speaking to one another. I’m in love with the diversity we have in this world, and I seek to capture it. But on a less serious note, I’m also inspired by childhood stories and creatures—my work goes back and forth between human expression and children’s characters. There’s always room to goof around!

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

How do you know when a piece is done?
It just feels right. This may be the hippie in me, but art seems to speak to me as I’m creating it—it has a tendency to go in the direction it wants to go in, wander along as it takes on form, and then stop and sit still when it feels satisfied with itself. Sometimes I feel like I’m just along for the ride. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Do you work on one or more pieces at a time?
Oh lord yes. Unfortunately, I have piles of work that is not quite done yet, but close. I keep getting inspired and dashing off on a new project before I’m totally finished with the last one. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

If you were not an artist, what would you do?
It’s honestly hard to imagine not making art—but I am also a musician. I play several instruments, and it brings me joy on a massive level. If I could never make art again, I think I’d be happy with making music instead. For me, over half the game is giving to the community and bringing light and love and beauty into the world. If I can find ways to do that, I’m a happy human. 

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

How can our readers find and purchase your art?
I’ve been selling commissions in my community for a while, but I’ve just launched an Etsy store with digital downloads of my art! These can be printed out on a wide variety of things (art prints, phone cases, mugs, etc.), or look great as screensavers and desktop backgrounds. The funds are going to support my youngest brother as he takes on flight school—his biggest dream. If you love art and you love making a difference to others, check out my Etsy store or get in touch with me for a holiday commission piece!

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Anything else you’d like to share?
2020 has been a rough year for so many. I personally lost all of my work at the beginning of the year and had to start from scratch, while I made something like $50 a month for three straight months. I want to encourage you to keep going, keep creating goodness in your circles, keep fighting for positivity and for what you believe in! We have power within our personal friend and family groups to give, to encourage gratitude, to keep each other afloat, and to make this year a little brighter in the midst of so much divide. Hang in there, and stay creative. It really does make a difference.

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints

Find Hannah online:

Web design work -

Etsy -

Instagram - @edventure_bean

Find her online art lessons at:

Artist Spotlight: Hannah Miller, Ikigai Art Prints




All photos courtesy and copyright Hannah Miller


