Michelangelo: a forgery?

by AKNickerson / Jan 14, 2009 / 1 comments

LaocoonOn January 14, 1506 Michelangelo was called in as the greatest achaeological find of his era was uncovered:  the Laocoon.  The famed and fabled sculpture had been located in a vineyard and was unearthed, purchased by the Pope, and put on display almost immediately.  

The sculpture depicts Laocoon and his two sons being dragged by serpents into the sea after warning the Trojans to be wary of gifts from Greeks. 

But recently some scholars have suggested that perhaps Michelangelo himself carved Laocoon in the days before he was a recognized artist.  He had been schooled as a forger, so the question is intriguing.

Read more about it on my home blog:  http://aknickerson.blogspot.com/2009/01/question-of-forgery.html 

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