STORY-OF... The Wisdom of Life and Travel

by irishfireside /
irishfireside's picture
Dec 19, 2009 / 1 comments

No single title pins down Wakako Takagi. She’s an artist, designer, traveler, educator and storyteller.


WakakoAs she courses through her tech-filled life armed with her digital camera, iPhone, laptop, blog, Keynote presentations (think PowerPoint only cooler), she carves out time to take delight in a home-cooked meal, a frosty hike in the canyon, a flower arrangement on a coffee shop table and the glow of an evening sunset.


In these joyful moments between the planned parts of life, Wakako applies her unique skill. She snaps a photo, marries it to a phrase and turns it into a postcard... a physical memory intended to be handled, shared and celebrated. That is where her style departs from standard inspirational quotes or memorable travel photos, they are insights that only become clear to someone who takes the time to reflect on life... and pass it on.


Wakako's STORY-OF postcards are treasures. A captured moment. A fleeting thought. A message to share with someone dear.


The STORY-OF series is available at

A sky filled with white balloons

PARALLEL UNIVERSE - 09.02.09 Black Rock City, NV

Since when did I let my imagination be tinted by everyone else’s common sense? Here in the middle of nowhere I have found my dream world... I need to embrace this very very closely to my heart.


monks walking up a hill


Surprise comes in all sizes and shapes. This one is coming right at me as a pack. I am speechless and clueless as how to react in this situation. I suppose an extra-ordinary experience like this comes as a package by traveling in a foreign city.


wooden figures

ONE - 09.01.07 Yufuin, Japan

We are walking through an artist villa in Japanese country side and here they are...politely sitting down, waiting for us to discover them. When two special people from opposite sides of the world meet and become one, a miracle can happen.


two chairs on a wooded path

TELEPATHY - 08.30.07 Kagoshima, Japan

When you are thinking of someone special, do you think the person is also thinking of you? I totally think so.


a berry bush covered in snow

TRANSITION - 12.13.09 Mt Baldy, CA

It’s easy to worry about what would happen next... but often times...the future has already destined its course based on what I have done...



Visit the STORY-OF website at


Corey Taratuta/irishfireside is the Ireland Editor for Wandering Educators - and the publisher of Irish Fireside.

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