Photographer of the Month: Matt McFadyen

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

A while ago, we featured Matt McFadyen here on Wandering Educators. Matt is an arctic explorer extraordinaire. Matt has explored many places all over the world, and now shares his travels as a professional speaker. His photos, though, are truly very special.  I was so very impressed with his travel photos that I asked him to come back as a Photographer of the Month. Because his photos are so very unique (really, how many people will actually GO to antarctica, let alone take such incredible photos?) and copy protected,  to see more, please head to: and click on Gallery - you'll be amazed and impressed!

We were lucky enough to catch Matt in between expeditions to talk about photography - here's what he had to say...



WE: How did you get interested in photography?

MM: My interest in photography started when I was backpacking around the world. It then went to the next level on my first trip to Antarctica.  It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen and I wanted to capture every aspect of the continent.


Photographer of the Month



WE: How long have you been a photographer?

MM: I've been a photographer for about 6 years, but in the last few years I have tried to develop my skills and equipment.



WE: What is your favourite place to photograph? Or subject?

MM: Antarctica wins hands down. The ice, the wildlife, and the colours are just amazing. Being there in the summer months when you have 24 hours of daylight is something really special you get such different and amzing light throughout the day and night.


Photographer of the Month



WE: How can photographers help change/impact the world, while they are travelling?

MM: Photographers can take people to all corners of the world, to some of the most beautiful, dangerous and endangered places on earth. Through photos, we can educate others and we can share our experiences.



WE: Are there rules in other countries people need to be aware of about who or what you can or cannot shoot?

MM: Most definitely there is and knowing the different laws of different countries is a must before snapping away.



WE: Any tips you want to share?

MM: The best tip is that it doesn't matter what you shoot with -  it doesn't have to be the most expensive camera on the market - but have a good understanding of your own camera and its' capabilities. Also continue to experiment with your photography - and most of all enjoy yourself.


Photographer of the Month



WE: Thanks, Matt! Your photos are extraordinary. The light you capture is so special that it makes the viewer pause.


For more information, please see



All photos courtesy and copyright Matt McFadyen.
