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Bert Maxwell's picture

3 ways to afford gadgets

Why should you spend extra money on all of the technology that you love to use? Sure, everyone loves the latest phones, video games, computers, and other gadgets. But why don't you just save up your money, so that you can enjoy the 'old' technology that's hardly a few years older than the newest gadgets? That way, you can have functional things that you can still enjoy using, and only spend your money on the newest technology that you really want. Here are some tips, for how you can save up and budget your money, while still buying lots of fun and cool extra gadgets for yourself:

Florida Culture for Your HOLIDAY Calendar! Week of December 19, 2016 By Josh Garrick

Florida Culture for Your HOLIDAY Calendar! Week of December 19, 2016 By Josh Garrick 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Gap of Dunloe, Co Kerry, Ireland

The Gap of Dunloe, Co Kerry, Ireland: in which we have an adventure, involving an early awakening, horses, mountains, rain, a boat ride, extreme rain, and great travel companions.

Travel Budgeting: Don’t Cry, Make A Plan

by Stephane Alexandre /
Stephane Alexandre's picture
Dec 17, 2016 / 0 comments

As kids, we never had to budget. And life was good. I started learning about budgeting when I became a fresh(wo)man in college. Initially, I was petrified of that word. I learned about bank accounts, food expenses, saving money (what little I had), and even balancing checkbooks. I started working two months after my 15th birthday so I could pay my phone bill. I really wanted a cell phone, but also understood that my dad was a single parent and I needed to help wherever I could.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Fire Truck Who Got Lost: New children’s book by first-time author on the Autistic Spectrum

“I’m not just an autistic kid anymore, I have climbed a freaking mountain" writes Colin Eldred-Cohen on the release of his new children’s book, The Fire Truck Who Got Lost.   

Eldred-Cohen is a 28-year old creative writer with Asperger’s Syndrome. The Fire Truck Who Got Lost is his first children’s that became a reality through a highly successful crowdfunding campaign. 

Bert Maxwell's picture

3 Reasons Why Your Travel Website Isn't Getting Any Traffic

Imagine a world where your travel blog had thousands and thousands of monthly visitors. Your best travel tips and tools got the attention they deserved, and you’re finally able to quit your day job to become a full-timer blogger.

Sounds pretty legit, doesn’t it?

Traffic is the lifeblood behind any successful online venture, but you need lots of it to reap the rewards.

Don’t worry if your travel site isn’t seeing the traffic numbers you hoped for. Below, I’ve outlined 3 reasons why this might be the case and how to correct them.

An Exciting Day of Adventure in the French Alps

by Lars Wagoner /
Lars Wagoner's picture
Dec 12, 2016 / 0 comments

It was a nice summer day in Morzine, a small town in the French Alps about an hour east of Geneva. The trees were highlighted with morning sun, the stream below the house was roaring, and I was fast asleep. 

I don’t remember much about getting up that day, but there is one thought that still goes through my mind every morning: Waking up is difficult. Especially when you start thinking about getting ready to seize the day, ugh… so much work. 

Florida Culture for Your HOLIDAY Calendar! Week of December 11, 2016 By Josh Garrick

Florida Culture for Your HOLIDAY Calendar! Week of December 11, 2016 By Josh Garrick 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Magic Sketch: A Fun Way to Bring Art on Your Travels

Do you know Magic Sketch? It's a low-tech drawing tablet that's light, has a long-lasting battery, and encourages creativity.

Magic Sketch: A Fun Way to Bring Art on Your Travels

Brianna Krueger's picture

What it’s like Visiting a Beach Town in Winter

‘Pointless’ might be something you would expect when I tell you what it’s like to visit a beach town in winter. When a town makes its living during the summer months of tourists visiting its sandy beaches and Lake Huron shores, it’s easy to pretend that the town doesn’t exist in the winter months.
