Lucky Farm: An Animal Rescue Farm in Germany

by Katie Wellman / Oct 29, 2012 / 0 comments

Joy Whitehead and I worked together on this collaboration assignment for
our Youth Travel Blogging Class, because we both love animals and want
to help them.


Lucky Farm is owned and run by a woman called Ms. Claudia. She has horses, sheep, goats, chickens, mules, a donkey, pigs, dogs, and a few cats. She saves animals that would have otherwise not been given a good home. She does not keep all her animals permanently, but she does keep most of them. Plus some animals like the dogs, horses, mules, and goats are her animals. If she rescues animals, she usually finds them a great home!




All of her horses are really sweet. One of them had a baby mule; his name is Frodo! Contrary to what most people think, mules are no more stubborn than horses!  When I go there to volunteer I usually clean out the paddock, and take Donna (a horse) and pepperoni (a mule) on a walk. I also do whatever the assigned task is that day.





Lucky Farm is located in a small town about twenty minutes from Wurzburg Germany. You can volunteer here to help clean the animals and the places where they stay.




Click here to read Joy's article on the animal shelter in Chapala, Mexico.


Katie Wellman is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


Photo courtesy and copyright Katie Wellman.