Postcard from Castleconnell, Ireland

by Ed Forteau /
Ed Forteau's picture
Sep 20, 2011 / 0 comments

Winter has firmly taken hold this year and with its grasp has come some fantastic weather....well, for photographers at least. I couldn't drive to work, so I decided to walk to the village by the riverbank. As a landscape photographer, I am presented with an ever changing and constantly beautiful pallet to work from. The morning was about -8°C and everything was shrouded in a freezing fog. The trees were frosted and a beautiful stillness was in the air. This old tree is a favourite of mine and is the half way mark on my walk. I always like to stop and have a look around as it make for a wonderful subject. I wasn't disappointed. as cold as it was the Cormorants were still fishing and between dives, they were using the old tree as a place to dry off and rest.





Winter's Frost, Castleconnell





Peter O'Donnell is an extraordinary panoramic landscape photographer. You can see more of his work at



