University of Minnesota's Deck the Halls Flash Mob

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Dec 10, 2011 / 0 comments

University of Minnesota's Deck the Halls Flash Mob

One of my alma maters, the University of Minnesota, has a viral hit on their hands this month. Located in the Twin Cities, the University of Minnesota’s School of Music surprised fellow students at the Carlson School of Management with a holiday-themed flash mob. The School of Music and a brave saxophonist sang a beautiful choral version of Deck the Halls.

When security arrived, the dancing began. The funniest part was spotting mascot Goldy Gopher - peeking out from the office above. Performers arrayed themselves on the main floor, and on layers all around the rotunda.


Seeing this made me happy and definitely in the spirit. Thank you, Carlson School of Management and School of Music - your students rock!






