Wouldn’t It Be Great to be an International Travel Photographer?

by Harriet Willis /
Harriet Willis's picture
Oct 11, 2012 / 2 comments

Travel photographers can have a number of different jobs.  Some travel photographers photograph exciting places for travel advertising, others for travel articles in newspapers/magazines.  Some also use the photographs for travel blogging websites/online journals.  Personally, this job interests me a lot as it’s the two things I enjoy most in life: travelling and photography.  Travel photography in newspapers/magazines for me looks to be the most exciting, as you get to share your experience, in photographs, for the world to see.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not only be in a different country, but be able to explore a different aspect of the world each week?  Or perhaps be able to capture stunning sights around the world?  Well, for travel photographers that is their life.

From Kuala Lumpar to Reykjavik, Madrid to Shanghai, a travel photographer has the challenging job of capturing the essence of a culture, society, and atmosphere into a photograph. 

The journey begins with a straightforward short task , or maybe a more complex and intricate one.  Most travel photographers try to visit a variety of different events when exploring a new country or experience.  This helps them capture a range of events so when they get back to their workspace they have a wide range of photographs to choose from.

travel photography

However, being a travel photographer would be a tad tricky if you had little or no international experience.  Navigating and struggling to speak the language and knowing the culture would become your main problems.  Although, with time you will begin to develop experience from: taking holidays, working abroad, or even living abroad. 

International experience can benefit you in many ways whilst doing a job involving travelling abroad.  For example, you will become familiar with foreign language, currency, culture, custom, seasons - and discovering just how friendly and welcoming people are.



Harriet Willis is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


Photo courtesy and copyright Harriet Willis






Comments (2)

  • Stasia Lopez

    12 years 5 months ago

    I agree Harriett, it would be a blast to have the occupation of an international photographer. If you're interested in this, make sure you check out the National Geographic photographer internship program on their website. You can build up your portfolio and get some amazing experience with the pros!

    Anastasia R.D. Lopez

    Global Education Editor, Wandering Educators

  • Harriet Willis

    12 years 4 months ago

    That sounds brilliant- I will definitly take a look, thanks!  


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