Top 10 September Study Abroad Articles

by Nate Nault /
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Oct 05, 2011 / 1 comments

Here it is! Your monthly update about everything study abroad. While I love sharing all of my stories, advice, and news from The Study Abroad Blog, I know there is so much awesome content out there on other sites so I've made it my goal to share 1 or 2 new sites with you every month in your monthly study abroad update. Here's what's happened in Study Abroad during the month of September!

The Study Abroad Blog

1. The Top 10 Study Abroad Blogs You Should Be Reading

September 27, 2011

The Study Abroad Blog’s List of The Ten Best Study Abroad Blogs I’m not the first or only person to blog about studying abroad. While I hope you can find answers to just about every question you have on The Study Abroad Blog, I know people will still have questions on topics that I have yet to cover, so I’ve put together this list of The Top 10 Study Abroad Blogs You Should Read to compliment what you find on The Study Abroad Blog.

2. Beijing: Sounds, Smells, Suds, And The Summer Palace

September 22, 2011

The Sites, Sounds, And Smells Of Daily Life In Beijing

Beijing is a great city. Every time I’m with a group of friends, especially American friends, we all always seem to come to that conclusion. Of course, I’m not really sure why, seeing as Beijing is one of the most out there places I have ever been in my life. It’s a combination of the American wild west circa 1875, modern technology, long-standing (and outdated by U.S. standards) traditions, and just general ridiculousness. And I mean that all in a good way. I actually feel less out of place here than I did in Scotland. Anyway, here’s how life in Beijing has gone over the past week or so.

3. 请只说中文 “Please Only Speak Chinese”

September 13, 2011

My First Full Week Of Chinese Classes

It looks as though that whole trying to “post on a regular schedule” goal I had isn’t going to work out. I’m going to be too busy, and although I know I sound like a broken record, the slow internet connection makes everything, especially blogging, a bit more difficult. I also wanted to throw out a small warning that since I’ve been so busy and therefore have tons to write about, the seamless transitions, extensive vocab, and flawless grammar that I’m known for may be lacking as I try to describe everything I’ve done over the course of my first weeks here in Beijing. Now that that’s all out of the way: Week 1 of 16 weeks with no English.

4. 15 Tips That Will Help You Survive A 14 Hour Flight

September 10, 2011 15 tips that will make your 14 hour flight (or any flight for that matter) less awful

This was supposed to be the first post that I wrote in China. I figured since I hadn’t had the time to go around Beijing and do some crazy, interesting, and possibly illegal stuff to pique your interests, I was going to record what I was doing every hour on the hour during my 14 hour flight and create a mini-survival documentary. Long story short, I just bought a new camera and forgot to charge it before I left, so no video. However, I thought I would at least relay some tips on how to survive in a 2 x 3 x 4 transparent jail cell known as a plane seat while literally traveling to the other side of the world.

5. A Day In The Life

September 04, 2011

My New Life As A Study Abroad Student In Beijing, China

I landed in Beijing on Wednesday, and after being here for 4 days, the jet lag is slowly subsiding. If anyone was wondering, a 14 hour flight isn’t nearly as bad as you’d think. Everything has been great so far, but it’s definitely been a bit of an adjustment (kind of expected when you go half way around the world). I was ready for some parts, and not so ready for others. Either way, here’s a look at some of the things that influence my daily routine here in China. Study Abroad Articles

6. Top 20 Study Abroad Tweeps on Twitter!

September 26, 2011

Twitter, a micro-blogging social networking community, serves as an excellent source for exchanging information, ideas, media, and personality. Some do it better than others. For the latest study abroad news, we recommend the following.

7. Choosing Where to Study Abroad: The Cost Factor

September 6, 2011

The cost of studying abroad does not have to break the bank. Various program types exist at different costs. Choose one that’s best for you. Blog

8. The Huffington Post Encourages Study Abroad Students to Break Out of Their Comfort Zone

September 28, 2011

This week an article in the Huffington Post explains how universities and program providers alike are encouraging their students to break out of the American culture of back home and embrace their foreign study abroad destinations.

9. The Power of Networking

September 24, 2011

If you’re looking for an international career, it is especially important that you stay in touch with the contacts (friends, teachers, etc.) that you made while studying abroad. Having international contacts doesn’t only sound impressive, but could be very useful!

10. The Time to Study in China is Now

September 23, 2011

Opportunities to study abroad in China are as great as they’ve ever been, so why not take advantage of the resources available to you and make that decision now to become an ambassador of your country and start building relations with a nation that is and will continue to be a dominant global force.







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