3 ways to afford gadgets

Bert Maxwell's picture

Why should you spend extra money on all of the technology that you love to use? Sure, everyone loves the latest phones, video games, computers, and other gadgets. But why don't you just save up your money, so that you can enjoy the 'old' technology that's hardly a few years older than the newest gadgets? That way, you can have functional things that you can still enjoy using, and only spend your money on the newest technology that you really want. Here are some tips, for how you can save up and budget your money, while still buying lots of fun and cool extra gadgets for yourself:

1. Get A Phone...and Just Use Wifi and Apps On It:

Of course, this only works if you already have a functional phone, and just want an extra phone to play around on. Did you know, that even if you have no service on your phone, you can still use wifi on it and download apps? If you love to mess around on the internet, this could be a great option for you. You can have a separate phone that you download all of the wacky and fun apps on. You connect other social media too, or even just use it for spare email addresses and other things. This is fantastic for kids, as well. My favorite use? For travel abroad. 

3 ways to afford gadgets

You can have so much fun with this idea. And the best part of all is that you won't have to worry about security. You can download whatever you want, and if there's a virus just wipe the phone. You won't have to worry about truly losing any important information.

2. Repair Broken Gadgets

It doesn't have to be a massive repair. You can go on sites like Ebay and find people selling mildly broken technology for very, very low prices. You can find phones, tablets, and video games, easily for a 1/5th of what you would normally pay. That includes the latest models - although they will generally cost more,  you still will be able to find them for at least half off of their regular prices. 
The repairs that they'll need can be very simple. Many of them simply have broken screens! You can buy either brand name screens, or generic ones, depending on what gadget you're looking to fix. So do your research and see how much you can save, since the screens usually don't cost too much either way.

3. Use Coupons and Look For Deals

If you're serious about getting the newest technology and using it to the fullest, then at least make sure that you get the best deals that you possibly can! Don't just pay for the upfront price; really look around and find awesome deals.
Instead of paying as much as you possibly can for new gadgets, try and see if you can save yourself some money when and where you can. Technology always gets old, but there will also always be awesome deals that you can find. Use websites such as Mamma.com to find deals at most online retailers!