BRAVO for AFAR Magazine: Premiere Issue

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Aug 20, 2009 / 0 comments

We've been so impressed with AFAR, an organization that explores all aspects of Experiential Travel. We've interviewed Joe Diaz, one of the founders, and were quite impressed with AFAR!.

Now, I have to share their print magazine, the premiere issue of AFAR: Where Travel Can Take You. A gorgeous magazine - when it arrived in our mailbox, I was so happy to sit down and dig in.

Experiential travel includes intercultural and educational experiences, adventure travel, and geo-tourism - "experiences that connect you with the essence of a place and its people. AFAR understands that simply seeing the sights is no longer enough. Experiential travelers want to venture beyond the beaten tourist paths and dive deeper into authentic, local culture, connecting with people from other cultures in ways that enrich their lives and create lasting memories."

AFAR's mission? To inspire and guide those who travel the world seeking to connect with its people, experience their culture, and understand their experiences.

AFAR's Magazine? YES, an unqualified YES, that these goals are realized.

The magazine is gorgeous, lovely to hold, with high-quality paper (these things make a difference). The photography is stunning throughout. The features explore the WHOLE world - Italy, Wales, Morocco, Venezuela, Mumbai, Israel, Paris, South Africa, Bali, Tokyo, London, and more. There are cogent essays on the kindness of strangers (Tim Cahill), Maidu cafes in Tokyo (Lisa Katayama), bog snorkeling in Wales (James Sturtz), and my very favorite (and thrice-read), on the secrets of a boulangerie in Paris (Samuel Fromartz), among others.


AFAR Magazine


There are several unique and fun articles - a photo spread of footwear around the globe (surprising!), a great article on chocolate, a global events calendar, learning about the East End of London, traveling and working as a global nomad, and most importantly, a GREAT section on traveling with a purpose. I also loved learning about Bunny Chow in South Africa (recipe included), and other foods around the world. This is just the tip of the iceberg - there are many, many more great articles within.


Do we love this magazine? YES! I am so happy that AFAR has come to my mailbox, and shared the world with me. BRAVO, AFAR!

For more information, please see:
