Exotic and colorful plants in Chapala, Mexico

by Joy Whitehead / Mar 27, 2013 / 0 comments

Chapala, Mexico is filled with beautiful flowers, prickley cacti, and bright green trees, but here are some of the plants that grow in my yard.


Bird of Paradise

This flower is commonly known as a Bird of Paradise. It's called that because it looks a whole lot like a tropical bird you might see here.





These cute little red and white flowers grow right in our yard. The white ones are called periwinkles, but nobody knows what the little red ones are called.


Palmetto Tree

The picture shown here is a one of a palmetto tree that's growing in our backyard. These leaves are so big and high up that we had to use a broom to sweep a wasp nest off of it!



This is a picture of one of my most favorite flowers - a hibiscus. I got this picture on the top of a mountain in a nearby neighborhood.



One of the most useful plants here is the aloe plant. We're always prepared for sunburns with these plants! You just pick off a little bit, and rub it on the sunburned area.



Crotons are also really neat. They have big leaves covered in bright colors like red, yellow, and green.



Syngonium is not so common around here, but we happen to have some in our yard.



This purple and green plant, called Coleus, is a new addition to our garden.



Bougainvillea are a very common but pretty plant that almost all yards have in Mexico. There are many different colors of Bougainvillea in Mexico, such as pink, purple, peach, orange, and white.



Poinsettias are very common around Christmas time, and can grow year-round.



Cacti are commonplace plants around here. Do Not Touch these! They leave little fibers in your fingers that are really hard to get out.



The little pink Geranium flowers shown above are somewhat common around in our neighborhood.


Mexico's climate is dry during the winter and doesn't rain much, except
in the rainy season, which starts in June, and ends in August. There's
always plenty of sunshine for plants here.


I hope that you enjoyed seeing some colorful plants that are grown in Mexico!





Joy Whitehead is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


Photos courtesy and copyright of Joy Whitehead




