The Family Traveler’s Handbook

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Dec 21, 2013 / 0 comments

Who do you go to when you want advice? The experts, of course! And with family travel, there are so many questions that parents (and kids) have, from where to go, to what to pack, to how to fly with a baby, to finding meaningful experiences on the road. We’ve interviewed several family travel authors, and now there’s another excellent book on family travel to share with our wandering educators. Mara Gorman, of the amazing family travel site, Mother of All Trips, has recently penned an outstanding guide, entitled The Family Traveler’s Handbook: Inspiring Families to See the World Together.


The Family Traveler’s Handbook


And it is a handbook, indeed – packed with useful tips and information, as well as heartwarming stories of family travel that we can all relate to. Mara notes that, “This book redefines family travel by showing parents that with planning and flexibility they can do almost anything they did before they had children. It encourages them to use day trips and weekend getaways as practice runs and to consider outdoor adventure travel and extended travel as viable options for family travel.”


Paris with Kids


The Family Traveler's Handbook covers:

  • The what and why of family travel
  • Before you go: How to plan your trip
  • On the road: Making the most of your trip
  • Special Considerations in family travel
  • And stories, resources, personal tips, and inspiration galore


Mara also includes a section on safety (car seat, crowd, hotel room, water, food, the elements, and safety in the woods tips). This alone is worth delving into the book, but you’ll be rewarded on every page with tried and true advice and motivation.


Mara Gorman, Family Travel Expert - clams in Chincoteague


In the book, Mara notes, “To me, travel is as much a state of mind as it is the action of going somewhere. It’s thinking about the world and engaging with it, whether by taking a long plane ride or visiting that new museum in the next town.”


Indeed, this book inspires just that – with real stories of a real family, doing real travel. It isn’t always perfect, it can be a lot of work, but it is worth every second.


Dining al fresco - fun with traveling with kids! From the Family Traveler's Handbook


We’ve interviewed Mara about her website, Mother of All Trips (well worth reading, check it out!).

And this time, we thought we’d catch up with her on video. Here’s what she has to say about her new book:




Want your own copy, or to gift it to someone you love?

You can learn more at Mara’s site, Mother of All Trips:





All photos courtesy and copyright Mara Gorman

Note: We received an ebook for review from the author - thank you so much!



