Florida Culture for the Week of April 22 by Josh Garrick

by Josh Garrick / Apr 22, 2013 / 0 comments

Florida Culture for the Week of April 22 by Josh Garrick

Final Week – Central Florida Premiere of Frost/Nixon

DiDonna Productions presents the Central Florida premiere of the award winning play Frost/Nixon through April 28.  In 1974 Richard Nixon resigned his presidency in disgrace. This compelling drama examines how a British talk-show host managed what no prosecutor could: to extract a confession from our most notorious former President. At the Shakespeare Center. Call 407.328.9005; for credit cards, visit redchairproject.com


Now through April 27 – Paint Out Winter Park 

Throughout this week “plein air” artists (artists who paint outdoors with the subject in view) will ‘paint’ throughout Winter Park, capturing landscapes and landmarks on canvas – and we are invited to watch their creative process. Artwork will be for sale in the Polasek Museum’s ‘wet room’ with a portion of the proceeds supporting the Museum. Hosted by the Polasek Museum, call 407 647 6294.


April 25 to May 12 – Mad Cow’s 12th Annual Cabaret Festival 

Mad Cow’s Cabaret Festival will be even better this season in their new home on Church Street in downtown Orlando. The Festival is host to over 40 performances of soul, pop, Broadway, and comedy including Tony Award Nominee Emily Skinner; soul-singer Shoshana Bean; singer/pianist Tony Desare; baritone Lee Lessack (channeling Johnny Mercer); comedy team Mel & El; celebrity impersonator Michael L. Walters; and former Mouseketeer Lindsey Alley in evening and lunchtime performances. The Festival runs through May 12 at 54 West Church Street. Call 407.297.8788 or visit orlandocabaret.com

April 25 to 28 – Identify – A Dance Experience

DiDonna Productions, in collaboration with choreographers McClaine Timmerman and Jill Lockhart, will present a 4-show engagement of the original dance experience – Identify. Fusing elements of hip hop and modern dance, Identify is a multimedia exploration of how we find, lose, transform, and express our identities. A synthesis of dance, videography, music, spoken word, and photography, Identify takes the viewer on a thought-provoking journey into the question: “Who am I?” Presented at the VENUE at 511 Virginia Drive in Orlando from April 25 to 28, call (407) 721-3617 or visit redchairproject.com


April 26, 27 and 28 – The Annual 100 for $100 Multi-Artist Gallery Show

Art Collectors – get ready to rumble! Sanford’s Gallery on First will offer 100 4 $100, a 3-day group show of 100 pieces of art for $100 or under. Coinciding with the Sanford Art Walk, the opening (and the best buys) will be on April 26 from 6 to 9 pm. Arrive early for the best selections. Each year they offer a variety of styles, including mixed media, watercolors, sculpture, acrylic paintings and drawings. Gallery on First is at 211 East 1st Street in Downtown Sanford. Call 407.323.2774 or visit galleryonfirst.com


April 27 – Slow Art Day with Terry Olson

Terry Olson, Director at Orange County Arts & Cultural Affairs, will celebrate Slow Art Day with a walking tour of Artworks in Downtown Orlando. The Art viewing will be from 10 am to 12 noon followed by lunch at Pine 22.  Slow Art Day is a world-wide celebration of ART that encourages people to look at art SLOWLY, experiencing art in a new way. After signing up, you'll receive the exact location, directions and times to join Terry at the pieces of Public Art. Tickets may be reserved at  slowartorlando2013-efbevent.eventbrite.com


April 27 – Smile – It’s Free Dental Care!

East Orlando Dental will host free dental care through Dentistry From The Heart – offering those in need free dental services on Saturday April 27 with registration beginning at 7 am at their office. Patients will be seen on a first come, first serve basis with the first 80 patients receiving treatment of one free filling, extraction, or cleaning. East Orlando Dental is located at 11780 E. Colonial Drive in Orlando. For free smiles, visit dentistryfromtheheart.org or call 407.282.2101.


April 27 at 8 pm – A Midsummer Night’s Dream with the Orlando Philharmonic

This highly anticipated artistic collaboration brings together actors and musicians in the most celebrated of all musical scores written for a play. Christopher Wilkins, conductor of the Orlando Philharmonic will work with Jim Helsinger of the Shakespeare Theatre to create a unique orchestral performance of Mendelssohn’s famous music for Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. While the Wedding March signals a happy ending, Shakespeare leaves us with the knowledge that the “the course of true love never did run smooth.” At the Bob Carr PAC, call 407.770.0071 or visit orlandophil.org


April 27 and 28 – The Great American Pie Festival

The “Upper Crust of the Nation's Pie Bakers” will showcase their best recipes at the 19th Annual Crisco National Pie Championships, and we are invited to be Pie Tasters at the Great American Pie Festival on April 27 and 28 in Celebration, Florida. Last year, the bake-off drew 441 commercial, 115 professional, and 237 amateur entries. There are lots of activities, but it’s the Never Ending Pie Buffet, featuring 90,000 slices of pie as well as ice cream and toppings that calls to pie-lovers everywhere with its sweet delights. Visit piecouncil.org


April 28 – MAYSfest – with the Metropolitan Area Youth Symphony

April 28 is the season finale concert of the MAYS, which has grown to over 200 student musicians from 9 Central Florida counties. Founded in 2010 by conductor Jonathan May, the youth group includes 8 orchestras. MAYSfest will culminate in all 200 students sharing the stage for the World Premiere performance of Mondo Rondo!, a composition by composer Daniel May. The concert takes place at the Bob Carr PAC and tickets (at $10) may be purchased through Ticketmaster, by calling the MAYS at 407-761-5170, or visit maysymphony.org


May 4 – Broomstick Pony Derby 

A fundraiser for Urban ReThink, the 2nd Annual Broomstick Pony Derby asks us to ‘build a pony’ (at a pony making workshop) on either April 25 or May 2, and then participate in Derby Day on May 4. In .131 mile and .262 mile races, all ages come together, throw pride to the wind, and gallop up and down Thornton Park's Central Avenue in a “Wild West” show of community spirit and support. Registration starts at 3 pm on Derby Day (May 4) and the races begin at 4 pm. Sponsorships and vendor spots are available. Contact Urban ReThink at 407.704.6895





Josh Garrick is the Florida Arts Editor for Wandering Educators







