Florida Culture for the Week of July 8 by Josh Garrick

by Josh Garrick / Jul 09, 2013 / 0 comments

Florida Culture for the Week of July 8 by Josh Garrick


Now through August 7 – Raise a Glass to End Childhood Hunger

Taste of the Nation’s childhood hunger relief efforts will flow like wine at the weekly wine tastings at Eola Wine Company at 430 East Central Blvd in downtown Orlando. Each Wednesday through August 7 (from 6 pm to 8 pm) the wine tastings will benefit Taste of the Nation Orlando as guests are invited to enjoy unlimited wines by the glass for a $10 donation. Each donation helps fund the Coalition for the Homeless and Second Harvest Food Bank. Visit eolawinecompany.com or tasteteofthenation.org/Orlando.




Now at the Orlando Science Center – Flying Monsters 3D

More than 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs began their domination of Earth, another group of reptiles, the pterosaurs, were taking control of the skies. How and why these creatures took to the air is more fantastic than fiction – and one of the great mysteries in paleontology. Now National Geographic explores this question with Flying Monsters 3D at the Orlando Science Center. The award-winning film uses the 3D technology used in Avatar to resolve mysteries that have intrigued scientists for centuries. Call 407.514.2000 or visit osc.org




July 11 – Orlando’s Most Powerful

Spoiler Alert – I’m only too happy to tell you, even before you arrive at the Mall at Millenia on July 11 at 5:30 pm, that the gathering is set to celebrate Orlando Magazine’s special issue in which they count down the 50 Most Powerful People in Orlando (as they see it for 2013).  Mayor Buddy Dyer will be there as guest of honor – as Orlando Magazine names Mayor Dyer the most powerful person in the City “based on his ability to change the face of Orlando through his development of a culture of collaboration and his community efforts.”  As someone who recently felt the generosity of his power, here’s my CONGRATULATIONS on an honor richly deserved.




July 12 – The Lake Eustis Museum Permanent Collection on Exhibit

July 12 (from 6 to 8 pm) is the Opening Day for a new exhibit highlighting selections from the artworks assembled at the Lake Eustis Museum since its opening in 1995. The “eclectic and unpredictable” exhibit showcases award-winning, donated, and purchased works from the Museum’s start-up through today. The Museum is supported by a 14-member Board and by grants from United Arts of Central Florida, Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Public is welcome. Call 352.483.2900 or visit lakeeustisartmuseum.org.







July 12 – Morning Coffee at the New Alfond Inn

If you’ve been looking forward to stepping inside the new Alfond Inn, we are all invited to join the Inn’s General Manager Deanne Gabel on July 12 from 7:45 am to 9 am for morning coffee and conversation. The Chamber of Commerce extends the invitation to meet and greet the senior management at Winter Park’s new boutique inn where we will learn how the Inn will support the Winter Park community, local businesses, and Rollins student scholarships for years to come. Good Morning Winter Park is free and open to the public; a complimentary continental breakfast will be served. Visit winterpark.org




July 12 – Music Under the Stars at the A&H Museums – Maitland

The A&H’s Summer Concert Series continues on July 12 at 7 pm in the A&H’s beautiful Main Garden, located at 231 W. Packwood Avenue in Maitland. A perfect way to enjoy a ‘summer evening under the stars,’ the Series will feature guitarist Daniel Heitz and his band The Revelators in a program of blues and rock. Guests are encouraged to bring a blanket or a low-backed chair, and a bar is available for those who wish to purchase alcohol. Throughout the evening, A&H’s Main Galleries will be open for guests to view the current exhibits. Admission is $3. Call 407-539-2181 or visit ArtandHistory.org




July 12, 13, and 14 – Katy Willis in Cabaret

Central Florida Community Arts’ cabaret series continues in July with singer Katy Willis in a show entitled Mother Knows Best. Katy, who has spent the past decade entertaining from theme parks in Florida to theaters in New York City, recently finished a three-year stint as a singer on the Disney Cruise Line. More recently Katy took on her favorite role – that of being a mother – when her son Ethan (the inspiration for her cabaret theme), was born. Mother Knows Best will take place on July 12 and 13 at 7:30 pm and on July 14 at 6:30 pm, at the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Building at 1111 N. Orange Avenue in Orlando. Call 407. 949.7170 or visit cfcarts.com. 




July 13, 20 and 27 – Lakeridge Winery Summer Music Series

Throughout July, Lakeridge Winery hosts a Summer Music Series held outdoors each Saturday from 1 pm to 4 pm. The musical line-up features a different band each Saturday, and there is no charge for admission or parking. (Guests should bring chairs or blankets) A variety of food and beverage items are available for purchase, including wines by the glass with wine tours and tastings held throughout the day. The music schedule includes July 13 – The Nightly Blues Band; July 20 – Ruth King; and July 27 – The Robert Harris Group. Visit lakeridgewinery.com or call 352.394.8627


And looking ahead …


July 18 to July 22 -- Violin(ce) – A Fusion of Combat/Dance/Spoken Word

The Empty Spaces Theatre Co. celebrates the fusion of dance, movement, the spoken word and multimedia with an ‘exploration’ called Violin(ce). With forms as diverse as hand to hand, comic, sexual, rapier, claymore, knife, aerial and a variety of others, fight director Bill Warriner joins with John DiDonna and the Empty Spaces Ensemble to bring Violin(ce) to the stage at the Shakespeare Center for a 7-show, limited engagement. The theme moves from the ridiculous to the physically destructive with the spoken word coming from the lives and experiences of troupe members. For reservations call 407.328.9005; for credit card pre-orders, visit redchairproject.com







Josh Garrick is the Florida Arts Editor for Wandering Educators








