Four Reasons Why I Love Long Layovers

by Drew Haines / Sep 22, 2012 / 0 comments

While some people don’t like layovers, I love them - especially long ones! Here are 4 reasons why:


1.    More fast food: I like layovers because I can eat out at all the fast-food places.

2.    Easier to sleep on the plane: After a recent long layover, we were all very tired when we got on the plane. It was night-time and I fell asleep before the plane even took off. When I woke up, I looked out the window, and said: “Oh come on! We haven’t even taken off yet?!” Mom looked at me kind of funny and said, “Honey, we’re in Ecuador.” Well, that surprised me! It felt as if we were still waiting to take off in Miami! So you get where you’re going faster, sort of.

3.    Time to make friends: Since we have to wait for a long time, we get to talk and make friends. When we were at the airport, we made some really good friends. Now we see them every year!

4.    Save money: Sleeping at the airport means you don’t have to pay for a hotel that night.


And that’s why I love long layovers. The trip with the longest layovers that I have had was to Ecuador. Ecuador is a beautiful country! There are the beautiful Andes Mountains, the beach, and the jungle. The homes and other buildings are works of art!






Remember: long layovers always mean you’re going somewhere FUN!




Drew Haines is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


Photo courtesy and copyright Drew Haines




