Highly recommended: Lisa Morrow's Writing Retreat Turkey 2025
Writing about what you saw on your travels and recording much loved family stories is a wonderful way to capture memories and share special moments from your life with others. Yet many people don’t know how to effectively use what they see, live, and experience and end up with diaries and notes full of random snippets of information.
Good writing is about so much more than recording facts and arranging paragraphs. It should paint a picture for the reader. You want your words to transport them so they feel the heat from the first light of day as you describe watching the sun come up in a secluded bay. Or laugh along with you when you talk with your hands and confuse everyone in the local family who welcomed you into their home.
If you want to take your writing from private jottings into deeper waters, then sign up for Lisa Morrow’s Writing Retreat Turkey, held May 31 – June 7, 2025. Lisa is a sociologist, travel writer, and author (read our author interviews with her!).
Her retreat will take place on a traditional gulet, a teak sailing boat, as it traverses the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. On board, teaching sessions will be combined with onshore activities, like a visit to a Turkish village, swimming in secluded bays, walking through ancient ruins, and a riverboat tour.
Using these outings as inspiration, Lisa will lead you through a series of exercises that will provide you with useful writing skills to apply to your own work when you get back home. Whether your aim is to improve your travel stories, private journalling, or memoirs, you’ll come away from Lisa Morrow’s Writing Retreat Turkey 2025 better able to insert yourself into your words so readers will gain a clearer idea of who you are and the physical environments you inhabit and the inner worlds you explore.
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All photos courtesy and copyright Lisa Morrow, published with permission
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