Lake Massabesic: A Secret Hideaway

by Lindsay OHara / Mar 07, 2013 / 0 comments

Lake Massabesic is a lake in southern New Hampshire very close to my house. It is very big, and on opposite sides of the lake you could never recognize it as the same body of water. I drive by Lake Massabesic every day to go to school, and every day I see elderly people walking, ice fishing, or picnicking at Lake Massabesic.


Unfortunately, I rarely see children or young adults. This generation is missing out on the natural beauty of life right before all of us. Those who come to Lake Massabesic almost always come to relax in its serenity and look at the gorgeous scenery this lake holds.


 Lake Massabesic at sunset


This picture shows the essence of Lake Massabesic in many ways. It shows how breathtaking the views are, and how there is beauty everywhere you go.  It captures the tranquility of a lake that runs right under the chaos of a main road.


But most importantly, this picture shows how Lake Massabesic is a secret hideaway to each and every person that basks in its beauty, every person who uncovers its secrets and explores its unknown. Lake Massabesic is different for everyone and can be anything we want it to. Its versatile terrain and surrounding environments accommodates everyone who visits. But here, where this photo was taken, is where I come to let the worries of life slip away and just live in the beauty of things.





Lindsay O'Hara is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


Photo courtesy and copyright Lindsay O'Hara


