My Passion Project: Writing and Traveling

by Austin Weihmiller /
Austin Weihmiller's picture
Jun 21, 2012 / 1 comments

I absolutely love to travel. I only got the travel bug somewhat recently too. Well, maybe not too recently. It started when my mom decided to homeschool my sister and me three years ago; that alone opened a whole new door of creative thinking and a fun, safe learning environment. But then we added the element of travel. So far, we have visited close to 40 countries spanning 5 continents. Africa is still on the Got to See List, along with Antarctica.

Sunset over Khmer Skies - Wats of Sien Reap

Sunset over Khmer Skies - Wats of Sien Reap

While we travel, I love to write. Sometimes it has to do with the place I’m in at the moment. For example, I’m currently in Brooklyn, just on the edge of Fort Green and Williamsburg. Out my window, I can see the tops of the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. Across the street is the 1900’s gothic apartment building that holds rangers every night. Our cross street? Yeah, it’s the favorite of 18-wheelers to barrel down at four in the morning. 

Wall Art, Not Graffiti. Hipster Williamsburg

Wall Art, Not Graffiti. Hipster Williamsburg 

Most of the time though, my writings are fictional, and are based upon the places I visit and the people I meet. Writing a high pulse, sci-fi adventure is a favorite thing for me to do during long layovers or restless nights. Most of the stories I write end up getting filed away in my Dropbox. Every once in a while, I’ll send one out to get published, like this piece about a boy and a window. 

Writing for me is like an escape, one woven of ink and paper, or in this case, my MacBook Pro and Word. I do want to pursue writing as a career, but I’m open to anything that may make its way into my life. Travel is also an escape. As my fellow travelers know, it’s a great way to get a different perspective, and a different view on life. I notice I’ve grown and learned so much from my travels when I’m back home. If and when I have kids, I want to expose them to this life as well. One of different culture, places, foods. For now though, I’m happy just writing and traveling. 

 The Mokes. Home sweet home in Kailua 

The Mokes. Home sweet home in Kailua



Austin Weihmiller is a member of the  Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.

All photos courtesy and copyright Austin Weihmiller.





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