Paddles in the water!

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Jun 29, 2010 / 0 comments

Paddles in the water!
Dragon Boat Races return to Lake Gregory Regional Park , California, on August 14-15


Clinics offered for novice teams

Friends of Regional Parks (FOR Parks) announce the Dragon Boat races will be returning to Lake Gregory, Saturday August 14th and Sunday August 15th.   The sport originating in China, made its way to the United States and for the past three years has entered the Crestline community with resounding success


Last year the race expanded to two days. On Saturday, August 14th, amateur teams will compete against one another for medals and sheer sportsmanship. Sunday, August 15th is all about the experts. Pro teams come out and race one another to the delight of spectators from near and far.


The interest in Dragon Boat racing has significantly increased since the first event was introduced to Crestline in 2007. Six teams participated in the first season; last year fielded a full sixteen teams with more wanting to try their hand at the team paddling effort.


Because of the mounting interest in the sport, FOR Parks member and Dragon Boat Race organizer, Margaret Lether, has been instrumental in developing pre-race training clinics. People who wish to form teams and participate in the August 14th Dragon Boat Races can learn how to paddle in unison to the cadence of a drumbeat and the calling by a steer person. There are two sessions on each of these days running from 10 a.m. to noon and from noon to 2:00 p.m. Each team is comprised of twelve persons. A coach/drummer and steer person will be provided. Those interested in forming a dragon boat team for the August 14th event are encouraged to enroll in one of the clinics being held Saturday, June 26th and Saturday, July 10th. The cost of each session is $50 per team. Enrollment closes June 19th for the June 26th sessions and July 3rd for the July 10th sessions. Registration forms may be obtained at




San Bernardino County Regional Parks

