Palm Beach Resort, Cambodia

by Lukas Bruihler / Jan 07, 2013 / 0 comments

I visited Palm Beach Resort when my family and I were in Cambodia. I had such a good time there that I decided that I would create both my collaborative and videography projects (for the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship program) for the resort.

So together with the managing partner of Palm Beach Resort (Kevin Schoeman), I decided to make a video. I took hours of footage, but then edited them down to a select few clips, making a short movie promoting the place. Kevin and I worked together on final content and what would showcase Palm Beach Resort the best.

When I put in some awesome music that I had found on FreeMusicArchive, I found out that it was for non-commercial use. So I e-mailed the musician, Yusuke Tsutsumi, asking if I could use his song because I really liked it. A couple days later, I received a reply saying yes, I could use his song in my work. I thanked him and put the music back in. When I was done polishing it off, I sent the final version to Kevin, to use on his website, It has been a great experience collaborating with Kevin and Yusuke, and I hope that I will be able to visit Palm Beach Resort again in the future!

Take a look...



Lukas Bruihler is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program