Photo of the Week June 2, 2010: Tiger Leaping Gorge-ous

SHERRY OTT's picture
Jun 07, 2010 / 0 comments

Tiger Leaping Gorge-ous - Yunnan Province China


Tiger Leaping Gorge-ous - Yunnan Province China


It was this Tiger Leaping Gorge that brought me to Yunnan, a short but challenging 2 day hike through one of the most beautiful gorges I had seen.  This deep canyon on the Yangtze River is one of the deepest river canyons in the world.  It received it's unique name from an ancient story about a tiger who was running from a hunter and leaped over the gorge (and presumably to his freedom) at the gorge's narrowest point (about 25 meters wide).  What I found out is that the entire Province of Yunnan was gorgeous; waterfalls, mountains, glaciers, ancient towns, culture, and even Shangri-La. 


Sherry Ott is the Photography Editor for Wandering Educators. 

She has been traveling the world for the last 3 ½ years with her camera as her main companion.  She brings us the Photo of the Week from her travels. 

To view more of her photography, visit her portfolio of work at Global Photography by Sherry Ott.  Or if you’d like to read of her travel, expat, and ESL adventures, go to Ottsworld.



