Photo of the Week November 15, 2010: Bearing Gifts - Delhi India

SHERRY OTT's picture
Nov 16, 2010 / 0 comments

Bearing Gifts - Delhi India


In honor of the 2010 Kickoff of Passports with Purpose this week, I decided to highlight one of my favorite photos from India.  I got up early one morning in Delhi to go photograph the flower market.  It was by far the best smelling place in all of Delhi!  The vendors there treated me like a princess, and they loved to have their photos taken.  A fabulous place for photography; there are no bad shots.

Please note, this holiday season travel bloggers around the internet are raising money to build a village in India. Please learn more about how you can participate for a great cause, and win some amazing prizes here - Passports with Purpose Donation 


Bearing Gifts, Delhi, India


Sherry Ott is the Photography Editor for Wandering Educators.  She has been traveling the world for the last 3 ½ years with her camera as her main companion.  She brings us the Photo of the Week from her travels.  To view more of her photography, visit her portfolio of work at Global Photography by Sherry Ott.  Or if you’d like to read of her travel, expat, and ESL adventures, go to Ottsworld.
