A Postcard from Boulder: A Town That is Sure The Epitome of Uniqueness

by India Martin / Feb 26, 2013 / 0 comments

On a sunny and bright spring day in Boulder, Colorado, the Boulder Creek is rushing hidden behind the trees as tons of tube riders go flying down the creek screaming and laughing, while having no care in the world. Beyond the creek and into the park, you will see some of the most interesting people, just minding their own business and doing what they love. They’re all very friendly, and mostly all teenagers with their own creative ideas. As they sit innocently in the park, cranking up their radios, playing with their dogs and socializing, you can’t help but feel the need to join in the hectic celebration. Walking by them, you see their ways of life; so different from the bustling cities of the rest of America, and so carefree and wild you feel as if you are part of a movie. 


Park, Boulder, Colorado

Large groups of festive young relaxing in the sun by the creek in the Boulder Park


The city itself is so safe, so independent with its Tibetan prayer flags and dainty coffee shops. The park is a place of gathering, one where beautiful and gigantic trees block the hot sun and children of all ages embark on their own marvelous adventures through the eccentric and heartwarming town.


Traveling to Boulder is a really great way to escape from the rest of America. Just looking in the right direction will lead you to staring endlessly into the start of the Rocky Mountains. Biking, swimming, shopping in the most unique shops and galleries, and chatting with your friends are just the start of things you can do here in this truly rare city of America. Just about one hour from the Denver international Airport, the city of Boulder, Colorado, with all of its diversity, is a wonderful place to visit!




India Martin is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


Photo courtesy and copyright India Martin



