Postcard from Brickcon, Seattle

by Sutton / Sep 12, 2012 / 0 comments

Last year, on October first, my family and I took a fantastic vacation to Seattle! We stayed at the Maxwell Hotel and it is absolutely worth staying there. It was one of the best hotels (service-wise) that I have stayed in. It’s also very clean and the room is comfortable and enjoyable. When I say that, I mean that the beds were cozy (especially after a long day of walking) and it’s nice and peaceful, so you can read  a book on your bed all day or just calmly watch some television, until my brothers and I show up. It is slightly cold during October, maybe sixty through seventy degrees, which is really nice if you live in Arizona! A really fun place to go to if you want to get wet is a giant fountain right down the street from the Maxwell. It's almost like a huge bowl with a lump in the middle that squirts out huge jets of water every
five through fifteen minutes. I ran around in it for hours until it got
dark out.





If you go to Seattle, YOU MUST go to the Seattle space needle and eat at the Sky City restaurant! They have THE BEST FOOD that I have ever eaten in my life! (Or maybe I was just really hungry.) Not only does it have great food, but you get to see a beautiful view of the city and the ocean! But, there's more, your seats move. So every hour you get to see a complete view of Seattle from 520 feet in the air. If you walk upstairs then you can go outside on the very top (it's fenced, of course) and you can feel the chilly breeze and see the stars and the city at night. When you head back inside after some refreshing outside air, sit down for a few minutes and you will realize, there are notes being passed on the window-sill! Since you’re moving and the windows are staying still, people pass notes around that say things like, "Where are you from… do you like Seattle… why are you here" and some other cool things. A really awesome dessert you can order is this ice cream sundae
with dry ice at the bottom of the bowl (the food is above the dry ice, not touching it) and it fogs up the table with "smoke" and it is DELICIOUS!


The light rail train is also super fun! It's about a block down from the space needle and you can tour the city from "the sky!" You get a really cool view and it drops you off in one of the more populated areas of Seattle. I'm only thirteen, but I love coffee and the FIRST  Starbucks is really cool! Yes, it’s the first ever! Near it is a fish market,  fresh bread, pastries, and sauces! You also get a view of the ocean and you can buy some cool detailed paintings!


One of the main reasons for visiting Seattle in October is because of a Lego convention called Brickcon. It happens every year in October  (usually around the 1st-6th) and it is such a fun experience! The convention takes place at the Seattle Convention Center, straight down the road from the Maxwell, and they have some pretty cool things at the convention. Some Lego artists build amazing portraits of Anakin Skywalker, The Mona Lisa, Albert Einstein, and many more, all out of studs! There are also plenty of vendors like: Brickarms, Brickmania, Brickforge, etc. A warning to all Brickcon Attendees, DO NOT CROSS THE LINE! I mean it! Late at night, the night before the convention, we wanted a sneak-peak of the Legos, but a grumpy old guy said, "Don’t Cross The Line! You’re encouraging your kids to cross it! DONT CROSS IT!" So we just tried to ignore him and trust me, we made plenty of jokes and had  a good laugh after that! Just remember this: Have fun, drink coffee, and don’t cross the line!





Sutton O'Neill is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program.


Photo courtesy and copyright Sutton O'Neill




