Turtles in Trinidad

by Freimut Hinsch /
Freimut Hinsch's picture
Jul 31, 2008 / 1 comments

On a recent trip to Trinidad and Tobago, we went to Grande Riviere on the Trindad North coast and stayed at Le Grande Almandier

This small hotel was right on the beach, and we were lucky enough to be there during the times that the sea turtles annually lay their eggs (March 1- August 31). The beaches are closed every day between 6pm and 6am, and guarded so that the turtles can lay their eggs safely. You can take guided tours at night, but no flashlights or cameras are allowed, as this disturbs the turtles. A few mornings we woke up early and saw these ancient giants lay their eggs.  Here are a few photos that we took over the course of several days.

Turtles in Trinidad

Sea Turtle Tracks


Turtles in Trinidad

Turtle emerging from the sea


Turtles in Trinidad

Crawling ashore


Turtle in Trinidad

Slowly making her way ashore


Turtles in Trinidad



Turtles in Trinidad

One finished, one still digging


Turtles in Trinidad

Making their way home


Turtles in Trinidad

All done


Turtles in Trinidad

Digging the nest


Turtles in Trinidad

Laying eggs


Turtles in Trinidad

Walking to a dawn beach baptism alongside sea turtle laying eggs


Turtles in Trinidad



Turtles in Trinidad

Heading back into the ocean


Turtles in Trinidad

Almost home!


Turtles in Trinidad

Scavenged eggs


Turtles in Trinidad

Turtle tracks


Turtles in Trinidad

Nest with freshly laid eggs


Turtles in Trinidad

Turtle tracks


It was a trip of a lifetime! You can see some of my other photos here.


Editor's note: Here at WanderingEducators.com, we've profiled the Tour de Turtles - check it out!

Comments (1)

  • Dr. Jessie Voigts

    16 years 5 months ago

    Thanks, Freimut! This is something that I think everyone should see at least once in their lifetime. Thanks for the hotel rec - we'll be staying there, when we head there next!


    Jessie Voigts

    Publisher, wanderingeducators.com

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