jiawenp's blog

Wandering Through Little India, Singapore

by jiawenp / Oct 21, 2012 / 0 comments

I’ve lived here all my life, but never had I seen so much color in Singapore – bright orange columns against the dirty cream of signs reading “Internet Café, 24 hours” with blinking neon arrows. As I walked towards the ethnic neighbourhood of Little India, the gravel beneath my sneakers slowly fell away to a tessellation of orange diamonds, and the public housing shrank to traditional shophouses, standing in full glory from red windows, to turquoise walls, and striped patio blinds.

Another Side of Dubai

by jiawenp / Sep 17, 2012 / 0 comments

Postcard from Luk Keng, Hong Kong

by jiawenp / Sep 11, 2012 / 0 comments

Summer in Tokyo

by jiawenp / Aug 20, 2012 / 0 comments

I remember tripping over myself in my dash through the automatic doors that separated Narita airport and the outside world for that first breath of Japanese air – of the late spring/early summer cool that I had romanticized for the last 6 years. Strangely, it was the first time that, when landing in a foreign country, I didn’t feel like I was out of place, but rather, surreal – like an explorer who finally steps off the shaking waves onto the home he had been dreaming of.
