Whenever I go to Greenwich, I usually just go to the places of interest like Odeon cinema, Charlton shopping centre, or the O2. I never really thought to get off the bus and explore the places we drove past in the Greenwich area, until Tuesday. My friend Georgina and I decided to jump on the 486 bus going to North Greenwich and unravel the mystery of a place the bus always drives past before getting to North Greenwich (another name for it is the O2).
Travelling around the world can be so adventurous. Getting to experience new cultures, lifestyles, and foods can allow your perception on a country to change. Taking a trip abroad can certainly have an impact on your life afterwards - for instance seeing the world differently or being more grateful for what you have. In the case of my teacher Miss Knight, she never thought that her travel experience to Eastern Europe would lead her to become the future Mrs. Croft.
Everyone has either been or heard of the underground before. Americans like to call it the ‘Subway,’ and it’s just an easier way to travel throughout London.