Three Enchanting Towns Where History Comes to Life
People call it trekking but actually should be called Village Walks. ." alt="Shali Peak" title="Shali Tibba Trek" vspace="2" width="308" align="left" border="1" h
The following article was published in The Tribune on 20th October 2009.
Shimla, October 20
Dear Travelers,
Greetings From Shimla :
Vikas, in Sanskrit means growth. That's what describes Mr Vikas Goel, 35 and eSys, the company he started in the year 2000 in Singapore.
Mr. B. S. Rana – owner of Doli Guest House in Jibhi, recommends Chaini fort the most, for half day’s hike, to his guests. Chaini Fort – locally
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