Book Review: Michigan Curiosities

by wobbles22 / Jun 29, 2010 / 0 comments

re you a fan of traveling? If the answer is yes, then I recommend Michigan Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff, 2nd Edition, written by . Michigan Curiosities tells you about places that get many travelers each year. It contains information about the place like the location, facts about place, and websites and phone numbers you can call or visit if you would like to learn more.


 Michigan Curiosities, Globe Pequot Press

The location I wish to visit one day is Lives, Breathes, and Dance with Wolves (located in Paradise, MI), because wolves are one of my favorite creatures because they are smart, brave, and strong. Therefore, one day I hope to see the wolves because if people can teach wolves how to dance than anything is possible as long as you are careful and have the patience.
One of my favorite places to read about is Sea Shell City (located in Cheboygan, MI) because it brings back a lot of traveling memories. Whenever my family and I traveled up north, Sea Shell City was always the first place we stopped at. Every time we went we never left empty handed. We always walked out of the door with some cool items we bought, we had memories, also we had pictures of me growing up and going into my teenage years. Sea Shell City has always been one of my favorite stores because it allowed my imagination to turn into reality. I could pretend to be a pirate or a mermaid as long as I was careful not to break anything. However, when it came time to leave I felt broken-hearted, but I knew this would not be the last time I saw the place so I allowed my parents to take me away so we could continue our travels.
Therefore, I recommend Michigan Curiosities to anyone out there because it is filled with exciting things that will give you and your families a sense of adventure and long lasting memories. It also gives you a chance for you to see things other than every day items; also, it gives you a chance to meet new people. So let your adventures begin!  



Note: We were sent a review copy of Michigan Curiosities.
