Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

Lillie Forteau's picture

Recently, I was inspired to read again. I haven’t sat down and read a truly inspiring, breathtaking book in over a year. I listen to audiobooks for the most part, and then reread the physical copy! I read four amazing books this November and December; I’d love to give mini reviews for all of them.

Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

After watching my favorite booktuber (A clockwork reader) put this on her all time favorites, I knew I had to read this. I am so glad I did, as it wound up being one of my favorite books of all time—and I finished it the same day I started (yes, that's about 11 hours straight of audiobook!). This book is a fantastic character study in how to make someone bound to pages and words feel like a real, true human being. I know Evelyn Hugo. I feel for her. 

This book switches between the woman being interviewed and the interviewer. I could have done without the interviewer, as honestly, all I ever wanted to hear was the small bits of Hugo’s life in hollywood. If this book was 500 pages longer, I’d still read with unwavering interest. If this book never ended, I’d be listening forever.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. From Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

Hood Feminism 

I found out about Hood Feminism through the author on tiktok. After spending an hour on her social media page absorbing all of her knowledge, I looked to see if my library had the audiobook.

In a world where “Woke” and “Snowflake” is used liberally as if it’s an insult, it felt refreshing to feel seen and heard through the lens of a woman of color. It’s been hard to be connected to some pieces and some people's movements when it doesn’t include you, excludes you purposefully, or is so out of your own reality it feels like a different cause entirely. I cannot recommend this book enough, for white people to learn, and for black people to learn and be seen. 

Hood Feminism . From Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Hunger Games is one of my favorite series ever. It’s the first book that really made me cry, not just one tear, but sobs. I couldn’t have been older than ten, but I knew what these books were, what they stood for, and I think they set me on a good path in life. My parents were probably very concerned as I wept loudly in the back seat, clutching my Ipod with a deathgrip. 

I do not think I have a favorite of the trilogy, but I had reread the first book last month with my partner, and we started and finished the second soon after. The new characters and perspectives give Catching Fire a whole new air to it—deeper, more harsh, and simply put, heartbreaking. You get to see inside the capital and how deep the evil really goes…and also, the innocence. 

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. From Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December

The Astonishing Color of After

After I read Evelyn Hugo from the recommendation from A clockwork reader, I had to pick up another she recommended. What stuck out most to me, and was immediately available to borrow from the library, was The Astonishing Color of After. I’m incredibly glad I read this. This book is a truly beautiful look into grief, cultural roots and being biracial, and relationships of all kinds. I think everyone can feel from this book, relate, even. 

I have so much love for this book. Grief is such a hard thing to write, especially memories and the future, but I think it truly shows everything with grace. I don’t want to say much more, as I believe this book is best read as blindly as possible. But check for any triggers. Off the top of my head, suicide and death is a very much main theme in this book, but never graphic or unnecessary.

The Astonishing Color of After. From Lillie’s Loved Books for November-December


Lillie Forteau is the Music, Arts, and Culture Editor for Wandering Educators


