A Mindful Christmas

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

I've recently read a wonderful e-book that helped me to truly THINK about the upcoming holidays, as well as redirect my energies toward more meaningful activities. The book? A Mindful Christmas, by Barbara Kilikevicius. She's written a truly engaging book - and one of the best parts is a large list of humanitarian organizations that help children. We've already added to our traditions this year, in giving more to others. Don't celebrate Christmas? This book can still offer a lot for general readers, from ideas about how to destress a commercial holiday, to the aforementioned list of humanitarian organizations to support.

We were lucky enough to sit down and talk with Barbara about her new book. Here's what she had to say...



WE:  Please tell us about your new book, A Mindful Christmas...

BK: It's basically a "how to book" for people that are longing for a Christmas
that isn't  so over-commercialized and full of debt and stress. It is written from a spiritual  perspective not a religious one so it's comfortable for all people to read. 


WE: What led you to write this book?

BK:  I have always heard people complaining about the
over-commercialization of Christmas  and how it has lost its meaning.
I wasn't experiencing that myself and wondered why so many people
didn't seem to know what to do to avoid all that.So I wrote this book
so that I could help people find ways to put meaning back into this


WE:  How can this book help people make a stressful time more

BK:  By helping the reader to shift their focus from Christmas being a one day holiday extravaganza to a season of inner reflection, love and togetherness. Done properly,  the Christmas holiday happens in the heart.


WE: You have an extensive website - what can readers find, there? 

BK: Besides being able to purchase A Mindful Christmas, there is also a
free Holiday  Blues Guide for people that are experiencing difficulty
with the holiday, and one of my favorite things is an extensive list
of charities that help children all over the world.  I think it's very
important that we find a way to give during this time of year. After
all it is the season of hope and the children of the world deserve and
need compassionate people to step up for them!


WE:  Is this book only for people that celebrate Christmas, or will all
readers find inspiration in it?

BK: I hope so! It has a core message of love. I have a friend that is
Buddhist and when  he read it he told me that it demystified Christmas
for him. He also told me that it  makes him wonder why we celebrate
with such mass consumerism a holiday that  has deep spiritual


WE:  Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

BK: Yes, A Mindful Christmas reminds us to set our priorities straight
and to get back  to basics if we are to celebrate Christmas without
the over-commercialization and hectic pace that accompanies it.


WE: Thanks so much, Barbara! I can't recommend your book enough. To learn more, please see:



Comments (3)

  • Inga

    16 years 2 months ago

    looks very interesting and relevent.  Having young children I think a lot about what sorts of family traditions I want to create.  I'll have to check it out.

  • Nisha

    15 years 10 months ago

    Hey !

    This book looks an interesting read. Commercialization of anything brings so many negative points. I would like to read in detail how you dealt with this problem.

    Good interview !

  • monacake

    15 years 10 months ago

    sounds wonderful - can't wait to read it!

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