
by JAN GODOWN ANNINO / Jul 07, 2009 / 0 comments

Please see the Palmistry page, which features a photograph of a work in progress.

To help present the story of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper to children in 2010 I'm working with palm fronds & other local materials to create a miniature chickee, which is a building adapted to the South Florida landscape by the Seminole Tribe of Florida.The palm fronds will be on the roof. The chickee will be part of a discovery package to send ahead to schools before my visits.

The book I'll be presenting is SHE SANG PROMISE: The Story of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper. It features an afterword from tribal leader Moses Jumper, Jr., who is her son & stunning artwork by children's illustrator Lisa Desimini.

It will be out in March 2010. I hope you'll look for it.


www. bookseedstudio.wordpress.comĀ