Students: Help Kids in Need

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Jan 11, 2012 / 0 comments

Rhyme & Reason has announced a t-shirt design competition to benefit the
Kids In Need Foundation. The competition is for students in grades 6-12
and gives them the chance to win prizes. The graphic designs should
reflect something that inspires the entrants. They should also reflect
something the entrants feel proud and optimistic about in their lives. The
winner in each category will have their t-shirt design produced and put on
sale. Twenty percent of the sales of these specially designed t-shirts
will go to support the Kids In Need Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable
organization with a mission to ensure that every child is prepared to
learn and succeed
by providing free school supplies nationally to students
most in need.


You can start submitting on January 15 and the contest runs through March
15, 2012. All winners will have the opportunity to see their work produced
and made available for sale at In addition, winners
in each category will receive a free Apple iPad 2. All winners will also
receive a $250 gift certificate for Rhyme & Reason, as well as a $250 gift
certificate for a special teacher of their choice. The Rhyme & Reason
website has complete details, rules, and conditions. The Rhyme & Reason
Facebook page will provide the latest details on the competition, as well
as a preview of select designs -
