Human Rights and Religious Freedom: A Compendium

Rebecca Clark's picture

Religion is an important part of cultures. Religion has the power to shape personal lives as well as communities. It can provide meaning and a sense of belonging to many people. It can also help foster community engagement. Religion is an important aspect of life and deserves to be protected no matter what the religion, faith, or belief.

Human Rights and Religious Freedom: A Compendium
I grew up around religion. From the age of 4 to 18, I grew up in Catholic schools in the U.S. Even though now I am no longer Catholic, it was still a big part of my upbringing. During my undergrad, I met people of different cultures and beliefs. It was one of the more fascinating parts of college, learning and celebrating people’s differences. Cultures are precious. Religion tends to be a big part of culture. I know that from growing up in Catholic school. Because of this, the protection of the right to freedom of religion and belief is something that I felt needed to be studied. It became my goal to research other religions and gain a better understanding of different religions. 

Understanding is what will help strengthen the right to freedom of religion and belief.

I completed my undergrad at the University of Nebraska Omaha. I started out as a Political Science major with a minor in Human Rights. During my second year, I took a class on human rights and religion. It was in this class I became passionate about the intersection of human rights and religion. I saw how important religion is to many people around the world. 

This passion to protect human rights and religion inspired me to attend the University of Stirling for a master’s degree in Human Rights and Diplomacy. This program has allowed me to develop a better understanding of how diplomacy works…and how I can use that to protect human rights, including the freedom of religion and belief.

Becoming the Religious Freedom and Human Rights editor for Wandering Educators is something that will be able to advance my goal in understanding different religions and the freedom of religion itself. It allows me to research different cases of religious human rights violation and as well as bring attention to those cases.

My series of articles focuses on the freedom of religion. They will highlight the importance of the protection of freedom of religion, and on the challenges that different people of different religions are facing all over the world. It will also focus on how the access of freedom of religion and belief can be approved upon.

Click through to read my articles:

Human Rights and Religious Freedom: An Overview

Religious refugees


Rebecca Clark is the Human Rights and Religious Freedom Editor at Wandering Educators. She is currently studying a master’s degree in Human Rights and Diplomacy at the University of Stirling. This degree is taught in partnership with the United Nation Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). During this program, she is learning how to use diplomacy to help ensure religious freedom around the world. Her career goal is to ensure that everyone is free to practice their religions and beliefs without persecution.