Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Quite possibly, volunteering while traveling is the most rewarding way to experience a destination. It’s an immersion into the local culture with a lasting social impact. For students, it opens their minds and their hearts, introduces them to privilege and empathy, and can ignite a new passion. Hostelling International USA (HI USA) recognizes this potential and doesn’t believe cost should get in the way.

Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February

Each January and February, student groups from across the country participate in HI USA’s Great Hostel Give Back program, which offers free overnights for groups of 8 more who do community service during their stay. From New York City to San Francisco, some of the most expensive destinations with the greatest need for volunteers have HI USA hostels welcoming service groups free of charge. With more than 2 dozen participating hostels, you’ll also find seaside, rural, and suburban locations as well.

Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February

And this program benefits the volunteers as much as it does those being served. With 65% of HI USA hostel guests hailing from more than 100 countries, participants are introduced to vastly different people and cultures. These intentionally social spaces encourage conversation, breaking down cultural barriers and creating an experiential learning opportunity you won’t find anywhere else. 

Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February

Groups bond by sharing dormitory-style rooms and cooking meals together in the fully-equipped, self-serve kitchens, and can take advantage of any activities offered by the hostel. If you want to inspire your students to experience the world, there’s no better way to whet their appetite.

Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February

Take a look at some university students who participate last year and see if this would be a good fit for your school. It’s sure to be a rewarding adventure for you, your students, and the communities you serve.

Traveling Volunteer Groups Receive Free Overnights in January and February




All photos courtesy and copyright HIUSA


