by William Wellman / Sep 21, 2013 / 0 comments

So I’d been wanting to create a trailer for a while. Not just any trailer. One starring animals as the main characters. But assets are scarce in Germany, and the only real option I had was the cows down the road. The problem is, how do you make a quartet of cows lounging in a shack of rotting hay remotely worth watching? Challenged by fate, I was forced to give it a try. This was my grand try at Epic Cows!




There were some problems during filming. I had a time limit of two or three days. Cows wouldn’t move. Territorial German farmers had to be avoided. The computer kept crashing. Every video file had to be removed from the final result, converted to a lower resolution, and patched back in again, just so that the software could run. And the baby cow in the pen nearby was really distracting. But it is finished! Thanks for watching!









Will Wellman is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


All photos courtesy and copyright Will Wellman