Language Learning in Computer Mediated Communities Conference

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Jul 01, 2009 / 0 comments

Language Learning in Computer Mediated Communities (LLCMC) Conference
October 11-13, 2009
Honolulu, Hawaii

Once, computers were seen as thinking machines or electronic tutors.
Now the computer has become one of many devices that people use to
form virtual communities of all kinds. In the field of language
education, computer mediated communication (CMC) enables students to
interact with one another free of space and time constraints and to
participate in communities of learning with their counterparts in the
target culture. The Language Learning in Computer Mediated Communities
(LLCMC) Conference explores the use of computers as a medium of
communication in language learning communities.

See Conference Schedule for details -

Pre-Register by September 15 to enjoy special discounted rates:
       Student - $40
       General - $70

Visit for more
information about conference registration and to download the
registration form.

Questions?  Please contact us at nflrc[at]hawaii dot edu

Co-sponsored by the UH National Foreign Language Resource Center
(NFLRC) and the UH National Resource Center - East Asia (NRCEA)
