The Locals' Edinburgh Events in July

by Locals Guide to Edinburgh /
Locals Guide to Edinburgh's picture
Jul 10, 2009 / 1 comments















Roll on the peak of the summer with equal portions of
sunshine, disbelief and all the unexpected good times that come with it. Here are our top tips for a top July in Edinburgh...



Can you keep a secret?

Claire Galloway can’t which is just as well otherwise her
idea of a secret shop just wouldn’t fly. Instead though it soars and a trip to
her studio/café/store in the Borders is a must for anyone up for an artistic
excursion. Of course we can’t give away its exact location but start your visit on Claire’s site or give her a call to get the details.

The Secret Shop, 12noon to 8pm  Thursday 9th – Saturday 11th July, The Glen
Estate south of Innerleithen. Call 0845 458 2946 or visit  for exact directions.


Marketing Matters

Sunday in Stockbridge is where it’s at. Leading from Raeburn
Place to Inverleith Park Portgower Place will be taken over by a plethora of
stalls selling foods, crafts and other summer treats. Stroll, snack and shop
your way through Sunday afternoons in sunny Stockbridge.

Stockbridge Sunday Markets, 10am – 3pm, every Sunday on
Portgower Place.


Views to a thrill

It’s amazing what you can do in just five days. Make your
weekends count and stop at Stills for some Super8 views. This five-day course spread over two weekends teaches you how to use a classic Super8 camera and allows you to star in and direct your own movie. The price of stardom isn’t cheap but well worth it!

Super8 Views, 11am – 5pm, Friday 17th to Sunday
19th July and Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd of
August. Course cost £449 or £399 unwaged. All material costs included. For more



You wood wouldn’t you? You wood wouldn’t you? You wood
wouldn’t you? Tree times over two days. Treefest is back and the brilliant
blend of axe throwing, wood turning, tee-pee events and superb summer lounging takes over Inverleith Park for a family fun weekend.

Edinburgh Treefest & Wood Market, 11am – 5pm Saturday 18th
& Sunday19th July, Inverleith Park.


Keep your Chinook up

Make an East Fortune day of it and look to the skies for the
National Museum of Flight Airshow. Spitfire’s, Chinook Helicopters and Tigermoths create a spectacle over the fields of East Lothian. Keep a special eye out for the Battle of Britain memorial flight and if all of that hasn’t
left you totally breathless, Hangars on can get an on board tour of the
stunning Concorde.

Airshow 09, 10am – 5pm, Saturday 25th July, East
Fortune Airfield, East Lothian. Tickets from £7. Call 0131 247 4302 or visit:


Freak out!

There’s only one look for this summer and it’s Chic. The legendary Niles Rogers rocks up with Chic for a night of soul and disco to keep you dancing until December. These are the good times.

Chic feat. Nile Rogers, 7pm Saturday 25th July,
HMV Picture House, Lothian Road. Tickets £27.50 plus booking fee.


Lights, Cameras, Cumbernauld!

Oscar winning Gregory’s Girl returns to our screen. The Big screen outside The Sheraton to be exact. One of the greatest Scottish movies ever made invites us to lie down on Festival Square and dance. Served up with complimentary scratch and sniff cards let’s hope Gregory meant it when he said football training with Dorothy was no sweat.

Gregory’s Girl, 5pm – 7pm, Sunday 26th July,
Festival Square. This is a free event.



Maid of the Forth be with you

Set sail for Inchcolm Island on the Maid of the Forth. Now is the time for Edinburgh island hopping! Explore Inchcolm Abbey by day or take an evening Jazz BBQ trip and make a night of it. You can’t go wrong with boat options.

Maid of the Forth sailings throughout July from South
Queensferry and Sea Fari sailings from Newhaven. For times and details visit



Enjoy Julying about and see you in August



Until next month



Owen & Claudia




Locals' Guide to Edinburgh is our Edinbugh Editor for Wandering Educators

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