Introducing Mr Bobo

by Bobo Chimp /
Bobo Chimp's picture
May 06, 2009 / 2 comments

Well i thought i would use this forum to explain the micro-phenom known as Mr Bobo - this is mainly of interest to those in our community of Greenville Michigan.

Mr Bobo is my alter ego you might say...a blues guitar playing, internet savvy, smart mouthed chimpanzee in an ugly sports jacket...think Curious George meets Tony Clifton... at first it was just a mechanism to harass the local media for under reporting issues relevant to the community. Mr Bobo would leave comments on blogs attached to the  stories on the web site of the local daily news.

Some of the comments were ridiculous, some insightful and relevant... you never know what Mr Bobo will comment... The readers started to actually encourage Mr Bobo, some even look for his comments rather than the actual content of the stories!

I decided to use the notoriety of Mr Bobo to bring attention to other events and causes i felt were important to the community as well. Mr Bobo did a photo-shoot for the Greenville Transit System. He also appeared at an animal rights rally to sway the county commisioners to end a local research lab from taking pets before they had a chance to be claimed by their rightful owners. He also has written letters to our local State Representative and County Commisioners in regards to this resolution. Mr Bobo also appeared at the 1st Annual Greenville Earth Day Art & Music Festival to promote environmental awareness, as well as promote local art, music, and business.

What does the future hold for Mr Bobo??? only time will tell. If you want Mr Bobo to help your cause, you can reach him by email at  [email protected]


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