Dry stone dyking with a difference at Culloden, Scotland

by Asako Maruoka /
Asako Maruoka's picture
Sep 08, 2009 / 0 comments

Dry stone dyking with a difference

A group of National Trust for Scotland conservation volunteers enjoyed a working holiday with a difference last week – restoring a dry stane dyke that runs along the edge of the world-famous battlefield of Culloden.

With the help of experienced dyker Neil Valentine from Inverness College, 10 volunteers from across the UK and Italy spent a week repairing the crumbling structure.

The project was run as part one of the charity’s many Thistle Camps - working holidays designed to enable people of all ages and interests to help in the conservation and management of the organisation’s many outdoor properties.

“Culloden is the site of the last hand-to-hand battle fought on British soil,” said Alex Elliott, facilities manager at the Culloden Battlefield and Visitor Centre, “and to be honest we are always fighting our own battle with nature in trying to restore the battlefield to how it might have looked in 1746. 

“Vegetation, paths and walls on the battlefield need to be managed continuously, and we welcome all the support we can get from volunteers. 

“A great time was had by all last week,” added Alex, “and we have a fantastic piece of restored dyke in the Culwhiniac Enclosure on the battlefield to show for it.”


National Trust for Scotland conservation volunteers


The words “working” and “holiday” don’t usually go together - however, for people passionate about conservation, who don’t mind getting their hands dirty, Thistle Camp Working Holidays can provide a unique experience to learn new skills, meet like-minded people and visit inspiring locations. The National Trust for Scotland runs around 40 Thistle Camps a year at venues across Scotland http://www.nts.org.uk/ThistleCamps

Every year more than 3000 enthusiastic volunteers donate their time to projects, properties and events with the National Trust for Scotland.  Thistle Camps are just one of the ways that people can get involved

The National Trust for Scotland’s exciting new Culloden Battlefield visitor centre and exhibition opened in December 2007.

The National Trust for Scotland is one of Scotland’s leading conservation charities, which relies on the financial support of its members to fund its important work of caring for the natural and cultural heritage of Scotland for everyone to enjoy.

You can join the National Trust for Scotland for as little as £5 per month for a family. To become a member, visit http://www.nts.org.uk/Join/Benefits/.


photo supplied by Bremner Photo, Edinburgh
