CFP: CALICO 2010 Annual Conference

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Sep 16, 2009 / 0 comments

Call for proposals:

CALICO 2010 Annual Conference
Enhancing Language Learning: Research, Innovation and Evaluation in CALL
Amherst College, Amherst, MA
June 8-12

CALICO is a professional organization dedicated to the use of
technology in foreign/second language learning and teaching. CALICO's
conferences bring together educators, administrators, materials
developers, researchers, government representatives, vendors of
hardware and software, and others interested in the field of computer-
assisted language learning.

Proposal topics may address the conference theme or any area of
technology and language learning including, but not limited to, new
software, new uses for old software, technology and curricula, theory,
and research.

More info:
