Gourmet Getaways Updates: October 2009

by Joe David / Oct 04, 2009 / 0 comments


Gourmet Getaways Updates: October 2009

by Joe David

The roller coaster ride that many Americans face today because of our battered economy hasn’t to date seriously hurt the cooking school industry – at least as I reported it in my book Gourmet Getaways (April 2009). Many of these programs are mom and pop operations that have confronted the changing times by creating smart and practical new programs often exactly suited to the new needs of the public.

I believe the continued success in the industry is the result of two factors: one: American’s love for fine food, and two, the chefs’ dedication to cooking and teaching. As a result, many of the schools in the Gourmet Getaways remain essentially in business with a strong commitment to teaching. In my column, I will keep you informed of these changes, as they are reported to me.
Here are my notes for this month: COPIA in Napa has gone out of business; DesGustisbus Cooking School had its address and website address incorrectly published. The correct address is 151 West 34th Street (8th Floor, Macy’s Herald Square), New York City and the correct website address is www.degustibusnyc.com. Jill Prescott has relocated to Asheville, NC. You may reach her by visiting her website: www.jillprescott.com. At some of the established schools, the chefs do come and go. I will keep you informed of them, as they become available to me.

New Notes:

Joanne Weir reports the following schedule in San Francisco for 2009-2010 for more information, please visit www.joanneweir.com (tab for classes).

Harvest in Wine Country
November 2-6, 2009
US $2,000.00*

Rolling in Dough: Homemade Pasta, Pizza and Pastry Weekend Cooking Course

February 5-7, 2010
US $1,000.00*

A Trip Around the Mediterranean
July 19-23, 2010
US $2,000.00*

Sauce Camp: from Simple to Spectacular Weekend Cooking Course
August 13-15, 2010
US $1,000.00*

Weir University: 50 Techniques in 5 Days
November 8-12, 2010
US $2,000.00


Joe David is our Gourmet Getaways Editor. He is the author of five books, including The Fire Within and Teacher of the Year. His latest, Gourmet Getaways,
takes readers on a journey to over fifty gourmet getaways around the
country, introducing them to the chefs, foods, facilities, and much
more. His writings have appeared in numerous publications, including
U.S. Airways, Chile Peppers, and The Christian Science Monitor. You can
find him at www.gourmetgetaways.us

