J.A. Mestenhauser Lecture Series on Internationalizing Higher Education

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Oct 21, 2009 / 0 comments

I am so very pleased today to share with you an important lecture on Internationalizing Higher Education. Named for one of my Advisors at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Josef Mestenhauser, Joe will be the inaugural speaker at this exciting event. I've learned SO MUCH from Joe over the years - and have been very grateful to have him as a mentor in my life.  He has truly changed the course of International Education.

Josef A. Mestenhauser Lecture Series on Internationalizing Higher Education

This annual lecture will provide an academic forum in which scholars from around the world will be invited to present innovated and thought-provoking scholarship on the internationalization of higher education. The lecture will be recorded and posted online, and the paper will be published by the Office of International Programs.

Inaugural Lecture 2009

Reflections on the past, present, and future of internationalizing higher education: Discovering opportunities to meet challenges
by Josef A. Mestenhauser, professor emeritus
College of Education and Human Development
University of Minnesota

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
2 - 4 p.m.: Lecture and Discussion
4 - 5 p.m.: Reception
Cowles Auditorium and Atrium, Humphrey Center
301 19th Ave S, Minneapolis

Please RSVP by Friday, Oct. 23, to 612-626-8832 or nunnx016[at]umn.edu.

Co-sponsored by the Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development department in the College of Education and Human Development.

About the Speaker

Josef A. Mestenhauser is Distinguished International Emeritus Professor in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development at the University of Minnesota in its College of Education and Human Development. His more than fifty-year long career included being teacher, researcher, administrator, counselor and consultant. He published more than 120 books, monographs, articles and book chapters on international education, educational exchanges, international studies, transfer of knowledge, cross-cultural relations, leadership development, cultural change, educational reform and professionalism. He is three-time holder of senior Fulbright grants in the Philippines, Japan and Czechoslovakia. He was President of NAFSA:Association of International Educators, ISECSI (International Society for Educational, Cultural and Scientific Interchanges) and the Fulbright Association of Minnesota, and held offices in several professional associations. He holds doctorate from the Charles University, Faculty of Law, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota in Political Science and International Relations. In addition, he held the post of Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Minnesota, Iowa, and North and South Dakota, from June 1, 1999 to June 2008.

Among honors he received is the Marita Houlihan Award for Excellence in International Education; Centennial Award from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan; Comenius Medallion from the Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic; International Citizen Award from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul; Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Charles University; Honorary Professorship of the European Humanities University in Minsk, Honorary Professorship of the Kyrgyz State Pedagogical University in Bishkek, Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Higher Education by Charles University in commemoration of the 650th anniversary of its founding; Presidential Silver Medal from President Vaclav Havel; Jan Masaryk Silver Memorial Medal from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic; and the Distinguished Global Engagement Award from the University of Minnesota.

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