CFP: AAUSC VOLUME 2011: Issues in Language Program Direction

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Nov 05, 2009 / 0 comments

Call for papers:

Educating the Future Foreign Language Professoriate for the 21st Century
AAUSC VOLUME 2011: Issues in Language Program Direction

Papers are sought for the American Association of University
Supervisors and Coordinators' 2011 volume. Entitled Educating the
Future Foreign Language Professoriate for the 21st Century, this
collection takes the 2007 MLA Report and its proposed changes as a
point of departure and explores pedagogical and structural means and
models for graduate student education in light of the significant
changes the FL profession is and has been undergoing. Some of the
questions to which this volume seeks to respond include:
Which theoretical frameworks or approaches are consistent with the
goals of FL learning called for in the MLA Report (i.e., "translingual
and transcultural competence")? Which pedagogical approaches,
concepts, and techniques do graduate student teachers need to
understand in order to instantiate this type of teaching?
In light of the MLA Report¹s call to "situate language study in
cultural, historical, geographic, and cross-cultural frames," what
types of courses as well as professional development activities and /
or materials can best help graduate student teachers understand the
interrelationships between form and meaning and language and culture?
What is the role of graduate teacher education in collegiate FL
departments? How do the calls in the MLA Report for collaboration and
changed governance affect teacher development practices? How can
teacher education be conceptualized to facilitate the most effective
socialization into the FL profession?
For expressions of interest and questions about the volume, please
contact the editors at your earliest convenience. Submission deadline
for one-page abstracts is April 1, 2010, and for full manuscripts is
September 1, 2010.

Heather Willis Allen hallen[at]
Hiram Maxim hmaxim[at]

More info:
