Photo of the Week January 11, 2010

SHERRY OTT's picture
Jan 12, 2010 / 1 comments

This was the reason I went to Morocco - to see these leather dying vats.  I was prepared for the colorful circular vats as I had seen them previously in magazines.  However, I wasn't prepared for the smell.  These vats were out in the hot sun and it seemed to be a very difficult job to do.



Sherry Ott is the Photography Editor for WanderingEducators.  She has been traveling the world for the last 3 ½ years with her camera as her main companion.  She brings us the Photo of the Week from her travels.  To view more of her photography, visit her portfolio of work at Global Photography by SherryOtt.  Or if you’d like to read of her travel, expat, and ESL adventures, go to Ottsworld




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