My Top 10 Tips for Planning a Spring Trip - on your Doorstep!

by Zoe Dawes /
Zoe Dawes's picture
Apr 06, 2010 / 0 comments

DaffodilSpring is such a wonderful time of year and our thoughts turn to travel and far-flung places after our winter hibernation.  But it's easy to get away by simply taking time out to enjoy what is on your very doorstep.  As an ardent traveller whose resources don't always stretch to big holidays abroad, I try to make the most of places nearer to home. Here are my tips for doing just that - and maybe help a tiny bit towards saving the planet!

1. Make a list of all the places within a 1/5/10 mile radius that you have never been to before ie museums, beauty spots, properties open to the public, nature reserves, sports centres, theatres, art galleries, historic sites ...

2. Find out as much as you can about your area - visit your library, Tourist Info Centre, websites, check out organisations like the National Trust, talk to local people, look up tours & organised trips, read the local press and any other sources of information. Ask people for recommendations for their favourite places in your area.

3. Get a local map and plan with your family and friends WHERE you'd like to visit, WHEN and WHY. Or maybe you want to go on own - making a date with yourself is a great idea! Perhaps you choose to go on a guided tour or coach trip somewhere. Whatever you do, think of yourself as a tourist not a local.

4. Book dates for your visits in your diary just the same as if you were booking a holiday abroad - and keep to them. Imagine you had to pay a cancellation fee if you didn't go!

5. Treat yourself to a new outfit or something special for the trip, maybe a guidebook, bag or gadget. If money is tight, go to a local charity shop and get something there - you'll be helping recycling too!

6. Consider all transport options. If you usually use your car, see if there is a train/bus/coach that could take you. Maybe you could walk or cycle? All options that might lessen your carbon footprint (see - this is the 'saving the planet' bit!) It might take a bit more planning but it is all part of the adventure.

7. Before you go, decide what and where you will be eating. Maybe you want to have a special meal somewhere - book it in advance to ensure you get a table. Perhaps you want a picnic. Identify a nice spot - but remember the weather might not be good so have a back up plan! Make your picnic as delicious as possible - it's your holiday after all!

8. Make sure your camera/video cam/phone is fully charged. You want to be able to capture those special moments. And don't forget it ...

9. Check the weather forecast the day before and dress appropriately. Remember 'There's no such thing as bad weather - just the wrong clothes!' Some of the best days out can be in awful weather.

10. Prepare as much a s you can in advance, have a good night's sleep and get up in time so you are not stressed or rushed before you go. Tell yourself this is a holiday and whatever happens, look up on it as an adventure ...

Look upon this trip (even if it's only for a few hours) in the same way you would a fortnight's holiday. It's a time to get away, recharge your batteries and get some much needed inspiration. ENJOY! Zoe aka The Quirky Traveller

If you come to Cumbria UK for a visit do join me on a Quirky Traveller Day Out in the Lake District or watch Sky TV 203 for more fun in Cumbria

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